

Hello, all.

As of August 2nd, 2007, I am officially embarking on a quest to take more pictures. Why August 2nd? Because that's today's date. Not only that, but I intend to take a new picture every day. Ergo, I will, from today, August 2nd, 2007, until August 1st, 2008, post at least one new picture every day.

Exceptions include the first week of September, when I will be busy with Orientation Week activities, however, I will work to either create a photo buffer to post in advance, or will have to make up for it after O-Week. Should I fall ill, or should I find myself cameraless, I will either work from an existing buffer, or will, once again, have to make up for it when I am in better health/have a working camera at my disposal.

Here goes a year in pictures.


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